Killer Bee Catcher Lance Davis Saves the Day!

Killer Bee Catcher Lance Davis Saves the Day!

min read

World Bee Day is May 20th.

These winged insects fill a vital role in our ecosystem, but bee populations are in peril all over the world. Master Beekeeper and Live Bee Removal expert Lance Davis, star of the new EarthX Media series The Killer Bee Catcher, joined us to share why so-called killer bees are so misunderstood: they are more impervious to climate change and predators than regular honeybees, and they replicate as much as 17 times per year, versus regular honey bees which replicate 2-3 times per year. Killer Bees also pollinate our food supply at an enormously more powerful rate, which in turn feeds animals, birds, insects and people.

You may have seen also Davis on TV recently–saving the day at a tennis tournament after a swarm of bees took over the court while two of the biggest names in tennis where going head to head.